Stay Wild Moonchild (a mini bio)

Top 5 lessons learned at the 2 year mark.
anniversary Colorado native Colorado Springs local Colorado small business soy candles woman owned business

It's hard to believe I launched my website two years ago today. I had absolutely no idea how to build a website, but I found it wasn't as hard and intimidating as I thought it would be. Shopify (not sponsored) offers many easy to use templates. If you have some basic to moderate level computer technology skills, you could totally figure it out. And well, if not...there's always YouTube. Some of my earliest formulations were epic fails. But I always found a way to problem solve, and improve ratios, essential oils and aesthetic design. I literally fumbled my way through...
Why Is Trimming Candle Wicks So Important?

Trimming a candle wick is such a small difference that it seems like it shouldn’t affect using your candle too much. After all, your candle will still burn whether or not you trim the wick, right? While this is technically true, the small action of trimming the wick can help prolong the life of your candle by as much as 25% and keep it looking nice. Leaving a wick long means that you’ll have a larger flame, which will melt more wax and give the candle more fuel. This larger amount of fuel can lead to incomplete combustion, which in...
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: WHY IS MY CANDLE TUNNELING? A: It is important that your first burn is approximately 2-4 hours OR until your candle reaches a full melt pool (melted wax from edge to edge) before you blow your candle out. Doing this will ensure an even burn throughout your candles life. Wax has AMAZING memory which is why your first burn is so important. You candle will remember to burn evenly each time you light it which is why the first burn is so important. Q: WHY IS THERE A LOT OF SMOKE WHEN I LIGHT MY CANDLE? A: Trim, trim,...
About Moonchild Candle Co.
Colorado native Colorado Springs Denver local Colorado small business soy candles soywax woman owned business